Category Archives: Career Profile

I Want To Work In Computer Technology!

Computer Blog Post

Does the above statement describe you?  If not then I want you to give serious consideration to the fact that maybe it should.  The reason is that the field of Computer Technology/Information Technology is changing rapidly and the demand for trained and qualified computer professionals is at an all time high.  All you have  to do is look around and see why this is true.   What you will see is that everyone utilizes some form of computer technology in their daily activities….whether is be shopping or banking online, using your cell phone to surf the internet, obtaining medical services at your dentist or primary care doctor, etc.  The good news in this, for the emerging workforce, is that with the need for existing and more advance computer technology , there is and will continue to be a definite demand for trained and skilled individuals that companies  can hire to maintain and keep their computer systems and networks running efficiently.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS),  since 2003 employment in the computer and technology industry has grown by 37% and that growth is only expected to continue.  The question now is whether you will be one of those trained individuals able to fulfill this growing demand.  Not only will the growth continue, but workers in this industry can expect a starting salary today of approximately $50,000-$60,000 per year which will rise to a median income of $100,000 plus at the midpoint of their career.

If you are wondering what you can do to prepare, let me just say that most jobs in the Computer/Information Technology field will require you to receive some form of post-secondary education at a 2-year or 4-year institution of higher learning.  Whether you are in middle school, high school, have graduated high school, in college, or getting ready to attend some kind of post secondary learning institution—please know that there are definite actions you can began to take now to obtain the skills and expertise you need for this field.




“Believe you can and you’re halfway there”    Theodore Roosevelt





As a middle and high school student, you want to make sure that you make the most of your classes as you will need good communication and problem solving skills.    

To gain those skills, please consider taking the following steps:

  • Do well in your language art classes.
  • Don’t shy away from your math classes and take as much advance math classes as you can during middle and high school.
  • Take your science classes seriously as they will teach you how to problem solve and think analytically.
  • Take computer classes that your school may offer.  If your school does not offer any, then you may want to consider looking for these classes via a summer youth camp or by taking  pre-college student computer classes at your local 2-year or 4-year college.

For middle school, high school, and college students as well as everyone else, following is a glimpse of some of the jobs you can have in the Computer/Information Technology field as it relates to duties, educational requirement, salary and expected growth.  This information is based on facts from the Bureau of Labor Statistics as outlined in their Occupational Outlook Handbook.


Computer Software Developer

According to U.S. News & World Report, computer software developer is currently the #1 Best STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) job out there today.

Computer software developers are the ones who create the computer programs we realize on everyday.  The ability to   communicate with your friends and family on social media or to play your favorite online game was given to you because of  the creative mind of a software developer.  These are the people who come up with the ideas  and then create the design specifications for the software so that computer programmers are able to write the code that allow computer systems to do what they do.

Software developers are usually problem solvers who have strong analytical skills.  They are in high demand as companies require new software that allow increase technological capability.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)  project a 19% employment growth for software developers between 2014 and 2024 with an estimated 135,300 jobs being added in this field.

For software developers, companies usually look for someone who has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.

As far as salary is concern, the BLS, listed the salary for software developers for the year 2014 as follows:

Lowest Income:  $56,310    Median Income:  $95,510     Highest Income:  $149,480


Computer Programmer

Once a software developer has created the design and written the specifications for a particular piece of software, then it is the computer programmer who will take those specifications and write the code (using different computer languages) that tells a computer what to do.  The work of a computer programmer is highly detailed as they have to write the code, test it, debug any problems that arise,  rewrite and retest until the software is working as it should.

Most computer programming jobs require a bachelor degree in a computer field but there are some companies who will hire programmers with a 2-year associate degree or certificate.

According to the BLS, the computer programming profession may experience a decline in it’s growth rate due to some companies outsourcing this job to other countries where the pay rate is lower.

The salary for computer programmers in 2014, according to the BLS, was as follows:

Lowest Income:  $44,140     Median Income:  $77,550  Highest Income:  $127,640

Computer Systems Analyst 

According to the BLS, the computer systems analyst profession can expect an employment growth rate of between 21% and 24% during the 2014 to 2024 time period as companies look for ways to increase their technological capability.

The duties of a computer system analyst are as follows:

  1.   Examine and analyze a company’s current computer operation and make recommendations on computer hardware, software and design that will allow that company to meet it’s  goals and operate as efficiently as possible.
  2.  Serve as a middle person between a company’s management staff and their information technology (IT) department.
  3.   Prepare cost analysis related to software and equipment upgrades.
  4.   Participate in the installation and testing phases of the software and equipment upgrades.
  5.   Train company staff on how to use the upgraded software and equipment.

If you are interested in a career as a computer systems analyst, then consider obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Information Systems, Information Technology/Science, or Computer Science.  You may also want to mix in some Business Administration courses  as well to gain an understanding of basic business functions.

U.S. News & World Report has ranked computer systems analyst  as the #1 best technology job to have and the #2 job on the list of best jobs in the STEM field.

As far as salary is concern, the BLS list the 2014 salary for this profession as follows:

Lowest Income:  $50,780     Median Income:  $82,710     Highest Income:  $129,980


Database Administrator

Database Administrators are responsible for the storage and organization of a company’s data on their computer system.  They use specialized software that allow them to organize a company’s  records according to required specifications.  They also make sure that  data is available to users and work to secure data from unauthorized access.

To become a database administrator you may want to consider getting a bachelor’s degree in a computer related field such as computer science or management information systems.  The job may also require that you obtain certification in one of the database platforms as well.  However, if you are not able to pursue a 4-year degree, there are also 2-year colleges that offer associate degrees and certificates in database management.

According to the BLS, the database administration profession can expect an 11% growth rate between 2014 and 2024 with an estimated 13,400 jobs needing to be filled by 2024.

The salary for database administrators in 2014 was as follows:

Lowest Income:  $44,470    Median Income:  $80,280    Highest Income:  $123,780

Information Security Analyst

Information security analysts are the security guards for a company’s computer system and network.  They execute security measures to shield a company’s information from cyber attack and unauthorized access.  You can expect that as companies become more reliant on computer technology to conduct their business, the need for more information security analysts will continue to grow.  The BLS project an employment growth rate of 18% for this profession between 2014 and 2024 adding approximately 14,800 new jobs.

If you want to prepare for this profession, then you will want to obtain a bachelor’s degree in a computer related field such as computer science or computer programming.

Salary as reported by BLS for 2014 is as follows:

Lowest Income:  $67,030     Median Income:  $88,890    Highest Income:  $113,990

Web Developer

Web developers are those professionals who work with companies to understand the particulars of how a company want their website to look in regards to coloring, graphics, animation, lettering, etc.  They use existing software to design a website according to a company’s specification.

With retailers and other companies continuing to expand their online presence and allowing customers access to their products online, the need for web developers will continue to grow.  The BLS project a growth rate of approximately 27% between 2014 and 2024, adding approximately 39,500 new jobs.

Some companies may require their web developers to have a bachelor’s degree in a computer related field, but overall web developer are creative individuals who have an understanding and knowledge of software programs, web applications and programming languages.  Web developers do work full time for various companies but  a number of them also work as part-time consultants or on a free-lance  or contractual bases for various clients.

According to the BLS, the 2014 salary for web developers was as follows:

Lowest Income:  $33,790     Median Income:  $63,490    Highest Income:  $112,680

Please remember, the above list is just a sampling of the type of positions you can have in the computer technology industry.  There are many more (computer support specialist,  computer operator, computer network architect, computer system administrator, etc.).  My purpose here is to make you aware that this is a field that desperately needs trained and skilled workers.  My hope is that you will do what’s necessary to prepare yourself to meet the growing demand.

Please Note:  Most of the position presented here indicated an educational level of a bachelor’s degree, but please understand that there are 2-year college associate degrees and certificates in computer subjects that will give you entry into computer technology professions as well.  Check with your local 2-year college.

Information For Those Already Preparing

For those of you already in college and looking for information technology internships, I wanted to provide the following list of companies you may want to consider.  Please click on the link to find out more information about there internship and/or career opportunities:

Chevron IT Internship:  click on chevron

Apple Internship: click on apple

General Motors Internship:  click on GM

AT&T Internship:   click on AT&T

Valero Energy Internship:   click on Valero

Hewlett-Packard Internship:   click on HP

IBM Internship:   click on IBM

Boeing Internship:  click on Boeing 

Marathon Petroleum Internship:  click on Marathon

Microsoft Internship: click on Microsoft

Google Internship: click on Goggle

Oracle Internship:  click on Oracle

Raytheon Internship: click on Raytheon

Xerox Internship:   click on Xerox

Walmart Stores Internship:   click on Walmart

NetApp Internship:   click on NetApp

Computer Science Corporation Internship:   click on CSC

Deloitte Internship:   click on Deloitte  

World Fuel Services Internship: click on WFS

Cigna Internship:   click on Cigna


Special Note:    Please go to our Scholarship section and click on Scholarships (February 2016) to see what a company called Unigo can do to help you in your scholarship search.